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Greater Grand Rapids Sporting Clays Shoot
Caledonia Sportsmans Club
April 12, 2025


4100 Thousand Oaks Drive

Here we don't lose

You value clean water. You're sick of the flooding. And when you go out - you want to see some birds! You know habitat restoration is the right answer and you're ready to fight to put water back on the land. GGRDU's been winning our battles since 1964, we've raised millions of dollars to restore our marshes and save our swamps. Combined with other Ducks Unlimited chapters across the country, we've reversed the decline in waterfowl and water-bird numbers at a time when songbird populations have plummeted. DU habitat projects make a difference, but more work needs to be done...

West Michigan understands water. As a community of outdoors people; we know the big buck lives in the swamp, the bass are under the lily pads and the steelhead redds are in gravel not choked with sediment. This connection to the land is what drives the GGRDU committee and sponsors. If you've ever had a heated discussion about habitiat and sustainable harvest; or feel some folks don't fully understand what you do on the weekend - you've come to the right place! 

Greater Grand Rapids Ducks Unlimited accepts volunteers and sponsors year round. If your season never closes; contact us to discuss how the tradition of GGRDU carries on your values, here we don't lose what's important.